Musica da Camera

© Peter Hislop, Canberra


Musica da Camera

Canberra's Premiere String Orchestra

Musica da Camera plays music from the string orchesta repertoire, from Baroque to Contemporary, sometimes with soloists. The orchestra engages a different conductor for each program, providing diversity of style and content.

For program 3 of 2024, Musica Da Camera, directed by Shilong Ye, will perform music by Australian women composers including Margaret Sutherland, Elena Kats-Chernin, Maria Grenfell, Helen Gifford, Sally Greenaway, Betty Beath and Corrina Bonshek.

Click here for Online Tickets for Sat 14th September (2:30pm)


Next Concert -- Sat.14 Sep

Future Concerts

2nd and 3rd Nov 2024

A program directed by Lauren Davis. (Cook and Regional Centre)

April 2025

A program of Baroque works directed by John Ma. (Cook)